Growing up, I gravitated towards the visual arts. I was infatuated by the Latin American muralist and the paintings of Goya and Paul Gauguin. I loved that they always told a story and you could immerse yourself for hours trying to dissect the symbolism and meaning in every corner of their paintings.
There came a point for me where my visuals had to move, they had to feel, they had to tell an intense narrative unique to them and their invented existence. Thus I became addicted to telling stories. Here you can read my published stories, giving credit to the wonderful publications that took a chance with me an published them first.
So have fun and get some tissue, I promise you some of these stories will have you crying in no time.
I have a BFA and attended the Iowa Summer Writers Workshop and Oglethorpe University writer’s workshops. I taught creative development at Portfolio Center.
“Escuderos,” forthcoming in 2024 River Styx
“The Arrival,” forthcoming Spring 2024, Bellingham Review
“Hold me Tight,” forthcoming Spring 2024, Tint Journal
“Deportation Papers” Finalist, 2023 Rash Award in Fiction, Broad River Review (Print) Gardner-Webb University, North Carolina
“Temporary Protected Status” April 2023, The Acentos Review
“Catire” Summer 2023, Westchester Review
“City on Water” Spring 2022, Touchstone Literary Review, Kansas State University
“Tequeños,” Fall 2020, Tulane Review, Tulane University
“On Guard,” Carve Magazine, Fall 2020, Editor’s Choice Award Raymond Carver Short Story Contest (Print & Online)
“The Bee on the Ground,” 2020, Aequitas, Literary and Visual Arts Journal, (Online), Morehouse School of Medicine
“The Blue Guacamayas,” Fall 2019, Belletrist Magazine (print), Bellevue College
“The House Next Door” Fall 2019, riverSedge (print), University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
“I’m blue” shortlist London Magazine Short Story Prize 2018. First Finalist Ernest Hemingway Prize for Flash Fiction. Fiction Southeast, 2019
“Black Helmet” 2019 Litro Magazine London.
“Three Chicas” 2018 Ghost Town, CSU at San Bernardino.
“Buford Highway” Summer/Fall Issue 2018, WraparoundSouth, Georgia Southern University
“Chocolate Man” 2018 The Seventh Wave
“Speaking in Spanglish” 2018 Azahares, Print, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
“Guava Branches” 2002 Well Versed (print & online), Missouri Writers’ Guild’s Annual,
“Three Weeks,” 2002 StorySouth (online)
“White Canvas” 2001 Paumanok Review (online)
“Red Land” Summer 2001 Paumanok Review (online), Featured Writer
“A Man With the Dim Halo” 1999 Zoetrope All-Story Extra (online)
“The Lavender House” 1998 Best Fiction, Second Prize in AIM Quarterly (print),
“The Stain” Magic Realism (print)
“Disposable People” 1992 The Americas Review (print), Spring